Janet A Wilson


  • Sign at the border crossing with a flag, welcome and mileage to the main towns.
  • The Kagera River that we crossed into Rwanda.
  • Children were watching us with their little arms tightly closed, unlike other children we met on our journey from Cape Town to Rwanda.
  • It’s a beautiful country with landscaped and farms on gently rolling hills.
  • Hill of trees and pastures. Seemed so peaceful yet bore the scars of a genocide.
  • Overlooking Kigali from the parking lot of the Kigali Genocide Memorial.


  • We were the only visitors at the Genocide Memorial.
  • Map on the world with a Rwanda flag located in Rwanda on the map at the memorial entrance.
  • Walking towards the entrance, we were not sure what to expect.
  • A sign inside the memorial was written by a 16-year-old child.
  • Tom and Janet begin the hike down after seeing the gorillas.
  • Young gorilla eating some leaves.
  • Tom and Janet with a gorilla in the background
  • Giant Eastern African male gorillas are 10 times stronger than strong men. Dian Fossey, known as the gorilla lady, was murdered in her fight to protect gorillas.
  • Murambi Technical School in the town of Gikongoro, which Emmanuel showed and told us about.
  • Lake Kivu looked so peaceful, but many fled across the lake to the Democratic Republic of Congo DRC during the genocide.
  • Nyungwe Forest National Park, where we had hoped to see chimpanzees.
  • Janet, exhausted, lies down on the forest floor; tracking through the forest was hard work.