Janet A Wilson


  • We crossed the equator from the northern to the southern hemisphere in Uganda.
  • Isaac, who offered to teach Tom how to cook local food
  • Jimmy at the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre feeding two white rhinos.
  • Big Mamma is a Nile crocodile.
  • Shoebill birds are large, docile birds. Some reaching heights of 1.52 m (5 ft)
  • Chimpanzees are intelligent and fun to watch. Joan Goodall is known as the chimpanzee lady.
  • Janet is on the banks of the Nile River, which has to travel as far as Janet and Tom.
  • Sunset over the Nile River. The photo is taken from our campsite.
  • Setting off to raft the river.
  • A wild and dangerous river.
  • Trucks blocking the Uganda—Kenya border crossing.
  • Even though we passed the trucks on the road, trucks also blocked the entrance to the customs offices.