Janet A Wilson


  • Driving off the ferry and landing in Zambia. I am the white person walking ahead of Tom driving off.
  • One of the most enriching aspects of our journey was the opportunity to meet and converse with the locals. Their warmth and openness made it easy for us to approach and engage in conversations.
  • Okay, so I love peaceful sunsets.
  • We have power, and everything gets charged! Our charging looked like this before all the power in the campsite was lost.
  • Locals collect water in a river and try to build a barrier around the area where they get it to protect themselves from a surprise hippo attack.
  • Sign in the campsite warning that “hippos are wandering around the campsite and tents area at night.”
  • Tom and his romantic idea to pitch our pup tent on the platform in the tree. Up out of reach of hippos.
  • Mama Rules is where we stayed while the Land Cruiser brakes were being fixed.
  • A typical campsite. When we started travelling, we put everything, including the awning, out at campsites. By the time we reached Cairo, we had put out two mugs, plates, knives, and forks. We had gone seriously minimal.
  • Land Cruiser was up to be fixed so men could go beneath the vehicle, which, as you will read, crashed down.
  • Electrical supply at the garage: holding two wires together when power was needed. Everything was illegal and dangerous but necessary if one needed an electrical power source.